


これまでにインタビューさせていただいた150余名を数える方々は、環境活動家、研究者のみならず、映画監督、脚本家、ワールドカップ・サッカー日本代表監督、文筆家、外交官など、その立場は実にさまざまです。しかし、“かけがえのない地球を未来の世代にしっかり受け渡す”という『SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)』の実現への強い意志を持った提案者であり、実践者です。



『エコビーイング』はPDCA(plan-do-check-act) の原則に則って行動しています。
P: plan (計画する)
D: do (伝える)
C: check (評価する)
A: act (学び、行動する)

About ecobeing

ecobeing was established in 1999 under the slogan "Let's talk more with the earth!".
We believed that 21st century should be more harmonized the economy with environment and culture at the moment. In order to transmit a sustainable earth to the next generation, the web-site forum must be efficient and convenient to think about the future positively and widely.

Facing the “global environment issues”, we have been keeping a back-cast viewing and looking at the present without being overwhelmed by existing values.

Since very beginning, we have been introducing the diverse values, sustainable methodologies, and the latest technologies, under the fundamental human questions,

Where are we from?
Where are we now?
Where are we heading?

So far we have interviewed more than 150 various peoples, not only the environmental activists, researchers, but also film-maker, the couch of national foot ball team, novelist and diplomats; they are presenter and practitioner of such values, methodologies, technical theory, and business theory.
All of them are shared the sprit of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) firmly.
The earth must be developing under the sustainable way….
We use and entrust the our “eco-being” (= ecology + being),
“being a person who considers the ecosystem of the whole earth as a family member. In fact human beings are only a part of the global ecology….
All living things are in harmony and coexistence with the natural environment and aim for prosperity!

Lastly, "ecobeing" operates according to the principle of PDCA (plan-do-check-act).
P: plan (計画する)
Create a plan to follow and convey the movements of the world in line with the above basic idea.
D: do (伝える)
We will specifically introduce the thoughts and activities of the experts who develop active behaviours.
C: check (evaluate)
I actively evaluate good things, propose the mutual links, and introduce remarkable opinions on our site.
A: act (learn and act)
Research, learn and act in renewal situations.









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tel : 03-5410-1277 / fax : 03-5410-12780
email : info@klee.co.jp